

Aarakocra are the most common Avian race in Erendia. They are often recognized by their features that resemble birds of prey, often drawing similarities to eagles, falcons, or hawks. They have wings and humanoid features.

Naming Convention

Their names make use of the syllables '-us' and others beginning in hard consonants such as 'cor-' and '-ked'.


Generally Aarakocra are shorter than humans, with their average height being around 5'2''. Their wingspan can be up to 15 feet at the longest and the rest of their bodies are fairly humanoid.


Aarakocra are still rare by societal standards, being integrated into most civilizations pretty well. There are a few Aarakocra flocks nestled in the mountains surrounding the Verdant Sea.



Tengu are shorter avians with small wings and often take on the physical traits of smaller birds such as ravens, crows, and jays as well as other corvids. Generally they are in darker colors, but have been known to stray into brighter shades of warm colors such as reds and purples.

Naming Convention

Tengu are often named after sounds and objects, such as 'Dapple', 'Flit', and 'Flower'


The halflings of the avian races, the Tengu rarely crest 4 feet in height.


Tengu are part of Avian society and rarely gather in flocks. They are often characterized as loners who tend to prefer solitude over the crowds of city streets.



The thunderbirds are much like giant eagles, but with more aerodynamic features. They can reach sizes that rival dragons and fly far higher than their scaly counterparts. Thunderbirds can span from dark grays to bright whites, and often have a mix of colored feathers across their magnificent wingspan.

Naming Convention

Thunderbirds lack a need for names, but some take on the names given to them by those who revere them. A primary example is the thunderbird Reytahn, who lives in 17. The Mosscrags of the Silver Coast. Generally they are referred to as titles, such as 'He who Sees' and 'The Watcher'.


They're altogether similar to birds except on a larger scale. They share many traits with dragons and are capable of screeches and vocalizations. Thunderbirds are capable of arcane magic and are able to manipulate the Resonance with the skill of a master wizard.


Thunderbirds, while less territorial than dragons, are few in population and keep to themselves. Their extended lifespans give them little reason to breed, so their nests often reach into the highest peaks of the mountains of Erendia. There could even be nests built in the clouds by a particularly magically inclined Thunderbird.



Owlin are a peculiar avian race, known for their features that resemble, well, owls. Their wide eyes give them quite the vision and their heads hold inquisitive and capable minds. They are the closest to Aarakocra in appearance, but can stand up to 7 feet tall. Owlins hold a higher capacity for intellect than most other races and because of this are often found in solitude where they can study their philosophies and the ways of the world.

Naming Convention

Owlin share the same naming conventions as Tengu, preferring to name their young after concepts rather than actual conventional names.


Owlin can see quite well in low light, but bright lights are painful to them. They can turn their heads nearly 360 degrees, giving them excellent perception. Their wings are wider than the typical Avian and they share a similar digestive pattern to normal owls.


Owlin are the only species of Avian that don't take to great heights to build their nests, preferring to find a nice grounded place like an old ruin or the top of a wizard's tower that they own.